Kark group updates

Some members of the Kark Group had a great time at the NESP islands workshop on Monday the 4th of July and Tuesday the 5th. We were also fortunate enough for some members to attend the SCBO (Society for Conservation Biology) conference on the 6th – 8th Of July.
Congratulations to all members and speakers on the presentations given and the posters displayed.

Media Article (Flickr paper)

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New paper: Effects of Ecotones on Biodiversity

This paper is currently in press but will be available on our webpage soon!

Kark, S. 2016. Effects of Ecotones on Biodiversity. In: Reference Module in Life Sciences, Science Direct, 02290, Oxford.

New paper: Night lights ad Flickr photos can be used for conservation

The end of 2015 saw another great article published. This article, published by Noam Levin, Salit Kark and David Crandall assesses human presence beyond populated areas through the use of social media.

Complete reference: Levin, N, Kark, S & Crandall, D 2015, ‘Where have all the people gone? Enhancing global conservation using night lights and social media’, Ecological Applications, vol. 25, no. 8, pp. 2153-67.

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Decision Point articles

The end of last week saw an important conversation being held by our associate professor Salit Kark through Decision point. It was about conservation in a time of oil and gas development.

Download (PDF, 362KB)

Tessa Mazor also had some of her work published on Decision Point about ‘Tracking turtles in the Mediterranean’

Download (PDF, 411KB)



End of honours for Emma Lee and Carly Martin

This week saw the end of a very stressful year for both honours students Emma Lee and Carly Martin. These girls both worked extremely hard on their projects and just this morning, presented their final talks in front of a crowd of students, teachers and friends. We would like to say well done girls, you have both done an excellent job and we look forward to seeing what the future holds!

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Except where noted, all photos are credited to Salit Kark, Noam Levin and Jeremy Kark.