Welcome James and Annalise our new graduate students

A warm welcome to James who has joined us from Dunedin in New Zealand to start his PhD and Annalise who is joining us from Perth to start her MPhil project this month.

New video about Steve’s PhD on Javan rhinos

Greetings Junior who submitted his PhD thesis today!

Well done Junior, an outstanding study on the biodiversity and conservation of your home island and an important yet unexplored biodiversity hotspot – Bounaginville Island

Congratulations to Dr Leslie Roberson

Well done Leslie who has been awarded her PhD this week!

Islands workshop 2021

We ran an excellent workshop to advance the outcomes from the project Saving Species on Australia Islands (NESP) on Moreton Island.

Presentation in the Australasian Vertebrate Pest conference

Greetings Salit and Peter for the presentation on island conservation delivered to a large number of researchers, policymakers, managers and practitioners from the Australia-Pacific region

Congratulations to Alexander!

Alexander has recently submitted his honours thesis and presented a very interesting final seminar titled “Factors that influence breeding success of cavity breeding birds in nest boxes”. Well done and congratulations, Alexander!

Earth Day event chaired by Salit: 22 April 2021

You are all invited to join our Earth Day Webinar and panel discussion chaired by Prof. Salit Kark on coral reefs and climate change with the GBRMPA Chief Scientist Dr David Wachenfeld and Prof Maoz Fine from the Interuniversity Inst of Marine Science in Eilat. If you are on campus, you are welcome to join the viewing party: https://sustainability.uq.edu.au/event/session/3655

To view the webinar:




Recipients of Diversity and Equity grants

We would like to congratulate Marina Corella Tor and Hannah Allan who, with Salit, received grants to lead teams in working to improve the diversity and equity of LGBTQIA+ and Australian First Nations Peoples within the School of Biological Sciences at UQ. The two projects supported by the 2021 Grant for Mentoring and Diversity in Biology include:

LGBTQIA+ equity and diversity within the School of Biological Sciences
(Marina Corella Tor, Prof. Salit Kark, Dr. Simone Blomberg, Prof. Christine Beveridge, A/Prof. Beck Dunlop)

Promoting the equity and diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff within the School of Biological Sciences
(Hannah Allan, Prof. Salit Kark, Coen Hird, Dr. Steven Salisbury)

We look forward to making some meaningful contributions and changes that will improve the overall community and inclusivity within the School of Biological Sciences.

Welcome to Anisha – our newest member

Anisha has recently joined the Biodiversity Research Group as a PhD student in collaboration with IIT Delhi, India. Anisha will be investigating human-wildlife conflict in natural, agricultural and urban landscapes with research partners in Nepal and India. Welcome to the group Anisha, we look forward to hearing all of your amazing wildlife stories!


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Except where noted, all photos are credited to Salit Kark, Noam Levin and Jeremy Kark.