Biodiversity Research Group (Kark Group) Themes:
The Biodiversity Research Group is a dynamic research team led by Professor Salit Kark at The University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia with interests in conservation science, ecology and biodiversity. The Kark Group works on a range of conservation, environmental and ecological aspects and collaborates with multiple groups worldwide across terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems, and across spatial scales, ranging from regional to global to help solve key environmental questions, ecological, sustainability and conservation challenges around the Planet. We mentor and train future generations of conservation scientists and practitioners, working with local communities and partners internationally to enhance conservation that supports livelihoods and communities.
1. Invasive species and their interactions with native species
2. Conservation planning in 3D, human-wildlife interactions in the airspace
3. The role of spatial and behavioral interactions in the establishments of cavity nesting birds: A cross-continental study
4. Aboriginal cultures and invasive species: investigating indigenous communication and perception of invasive species
5. Biodiversity conservation in urban and agricultural landscapes
1. Conservation and collaboration on an international and national scale
2. The role of collaboration in conservation in terrestrial, marine and river systems (e.g., the Nile and Amazon)
3. Biodiversity along species ranges, transitional environments (ecotones) and ecological gradients
1. Conservation planning and prioritization at local, regional and global scales with emphasis on the Mediterranean Basin and Sea
2. Systematic conservation planning and the importance of collaboration in the Mediterranean Basin and Mediterranean Sea
3. Exploring the use of big data in conservation.
4. Emerging conservation challenges and prospects in an era of offshore oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation and other threats to marine ecosystems.
5. Pathways for narrowing the gaps between science, policy, management and practice in conservation.
1. Conservation on islands: threatened species and threatening processes, invasive species on islands
2. Case study islands: threatened species and threatening process
The Kark Group studies the patterns and processes shaping biodiversity and their implications for conservation in a changing world. Past and present projects can be found using the projects tab.
Kark Group updated publication list along with PDF and web links to articles can be found using the publications tab.
We have opportunities within the Biodiversity Research Group to apply for postdoctoral, PhD and Honours projects, as well as volunteer work. Our group has a range of exciting current projects that involve both field work and large spatial data analyses, GIS and global biodiversity research in both terrestrial and marine systems.
Our research crosses multiple spatial scales, from global and continental to local. We apply large scale and “big data” analyses, spatial modelling and field work to explore key conservation, environmental and ecological questions and help support science-based conservation decisions.
Back row (Left to Right): Isabella Oliveira, Steve Wilson, Carly Martin, Andrew Rogers, Hernán Cáceres Escobar, Diego Bezerra, Matt McKinney, Eduardo Gallo-Cajiao.
Front row (Left to Right): Carla Archibald, Salit Kark, Ruben Venegas, Maggie McKeown, Matt Philben, Emma Lee.
Photo Credit: Biodiversity Research Group
The Biodiversity Research Group YouTube Channel

Prof Salit Kark Contact
for more information
Email Prof Salit Kark:
s.kark at uq.edu.au.
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Biodiversity Research Group